Note: Due to an unfixed bug on some systems, the web version may not fully work. If your screen is almost entirely white, or if the sound cuts off abruptly during gameplay, I encourage you to download the windows executable version down below.

Your goal in this game is to mine as much gold as you can on Venus before you run out of bismuthine fuel.

Use A/D or Left Arrow/Right Arrow to roll left or right. Use W or Up Arrow to move forward. Other controls are given on-screen.

Find deposits using your radar, analyze them by dropping a sampling drone on them, and if you like what you find, send an extraction drone to collect all of it!

Find bismuthine to refuel, iron to make upgrades, and collect as much gold as possible!

Some of the assets and fonts in this game were made by Kenney. All audio comes from Freesound, some of which has been uploaded by users klankbeeld, JustInvoke and tweeterdj, though they have been edited by me.


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Cool idea, it was a fun enough idea to stick around, but I ran into some issues.

For the first 5-10 minutes I only ran into one scrap and was unable to mine anything because of that. I eventually discovered that moving left and slightly up seems optimal to intersect the trajectory of the scrap, otherwise you may never see any.

I was able to get the radar, but ended up going far enough that there were no more deposits, but I kept going because I was thinking I would find some, but I never found any.

The anomalies such as moving shadows and the shadowy lights that destroy your drones are a fun touch.


Cool concept! but there are some things I would change though.

1.  Since the ship stays in the same place its hard to get that sense of motion. I wish it would move off center of the screen and recenter when I stop moving.

2. I may have had bad luck but I found it kinda hard to find a good deposit

(I also really like the deposit effect/shader)